First of all, saving time with quick rice in the pressure cooker is ideal. In other words, knowing how to make quick, juicy rice in the pressure cooker is fantastic.
What's more, this recipe is ready in less than 10 minutes and can yield up to 10 generous dishes.
Even more so, knowing that this is exactly the recipe that many digital influencers have been using on their social networks.
So that's one of the reasons why I decided to share this delicious recipe for quick and juicy rice in the pressure cooker.
Now, in a pressure cooker, add oil or olive oil and the diced chicken breast and sliced sausage.
Then add the hearts of palm, rice, tomato puree and chicken stock and sauté for 2-3 minutes on average.
Then cover the pan and wait for an average of 3 to 5 minutes after it comes under pressure.
Also, after removing the pressure, place it on a pretty platter of your choice and for a special touch, add grated cheese on top.
Finally, it's time to enjoy this delicious, succulent pressure cooker rice.
You can also call your friends or family to share this delicious recipe for quick and succulent pressure cooker rice.
However, take the opportunity to take that selfie and tag us on Facebook and Instagram.
What's more, leave a comment below telling us what you thought of this delicious recipe for succulent rice in the pressure cooker.
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