At first glance, a delicious chicken and pineapple pizza is an excellent meal. In other words, knowing how to make a delicious chicken and pineapple pizza is a great highlight.
In other words, this easy chicken pizza recipe is making waves on Twitter and getting talked about on Pinterest.
Furthermore, since this is a practical recipe for chicken and pineapple pizza, it is ready in 33 minutes.
First, using a large spoon, generously spread the tomato sauce over the pizza disk.
Also, place some cheese on top of the tomato sauce and add the Palio slices.
Now, add the already cooked and shredded chicken so that it covers all the spaces, except the edge.
Still, add the mushrooms together with pineapple in a proportion that covers the disk, but without covering the edge.
Then add the rest of the grated cheese and sprinkle a generous amount of oregano and basil if you like.
Furthermore, bake for an average time of 18 minutes at a temperature of 179° until crispy and golden.
Finally, cut some generous slices of this delicious pineapple chicken pizza and share it with your family and friends.
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