Firstly, cassava soup with pepperoni is delicious. In other words, knowing how to make a delicious cassava soup with cubes of juicy pepperoni is mouth-watering.
Furthermore, this recipe is ready super quickly in just 25 minutes and can yield five to six very generous portions.
Therefore, you will be able to share this delicious cassava soup with pepperoni cubes with your friends or family.
Now, take the peeled cassava and sauté it in a pressure cooker with olive oil and vegetable broth.
Then add the water and cover the pan and let it cook for about 10 to 15 minutes counting from when it reached pressure.
So, after cooking the cassava, place it in a blender with a little of the cooking water and blend until smooth.
Then, cut the pepperoni segments into small cubes and place in a pan with olive oil and sauté for 3 to 4 minutes.
Also, take a medium saucepan, add milk and place the cassava that was blended in the blender.
In the same way, let it boil for an average of 5 to 7 minutes and add the already sautéed diced pepperoni.
Now, just serve this delicious cassava soup to your friends or family.
However, this is the best time to take that special photo and post it on your social networks.
Even more, take this moment to leave your comment below telling us what you thought of this delicious cassava soup with pepperoni.
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