
Easy homemade berry popsicle recipe

Receita fácil de picolé caseiro de frutas vermelhas

First of all, a delicious homemade popsicle is ideal for any occasion. In other words, knowing how to make an easy recipe for homemade red fruit popsicles is ideal for you.

Even more so, knowing that artists and influencers have been using exactly this recipe on their social networks.

Having an easy recipe for homemade berry popsicles is only 10 minutes away and can yield up to four popsicles.


So I decided to share with you this easy recipe for homemade berry popsicles to get your followers' mouths watering.

Ingredients for the easy recipe for homemade red fruit popsicles 

How to make easy homemade red fruit popsicles

First, place all the ingredients in a blender and blend at medium speed until the mixture is smooth.

Then pour the mixture you've just blended into popsicle molds and put them in the freezer.

You can also use disposable cups of an ideal size to fit the mixture.


Finally, after an hour and a half to two hours, you can take it out of the freezer and enjoy this delicious homemade red fruit popsicle.

What's more, you can call your friends or family to enjoy this delicious homemade red fruit popsicle.

Also, take advantage of this moment to take that wonderful selfie and post it on your social networks.

However, take the opportunity to leave a comment below telling us what you think of this easy recipe for homemade red fruit popsicles.

You can also tag us on our social networks Facebook and Instagram to let us know what caught your eye about this recipe.

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