How to prevent your cell phone from overheating? This is a common question.
Summer is coming and with it the high temperatures. Devices usually increase by several degrees, both due to dissipation and dust in general.
One device that also increases in temperature during this season is the cell phone, it usually does so for several reasons, including the use of the case, dirt, as well as other factors.
So it's interesting to know How to prevent cell phone from overheating.
Cell phones are often used everywhere, sometimes we do it without thinking that if it is exposed to direct sunlight, it can heat up several degrees.
The temperature will cause it to heat up and thus affect the overall performance.
Always try to find a shady place, whether on a roof, under an umbrella or somewhere where the sun doesn't shine directly to avoid setbacks.
If you usually use a case, this will also make the terminal dissipate less heat.
To prevent your phone from overheating, it is always best to find a well-ventilated place that has ventilation or air conditioning.
Cases are not your best allies when it comes to dissipating heat. Silicone cases generally don't get very hot, but it's still advisable to remove them if you're going to use your phone excessively.
Cases usually protect the device, but if you don't see any danger, it's best to remove the case and start using it without it.
Winter covers generally work well, but the same is not true during warmer months.
Not all places are good for charging your phone. If you do it in bed with a blanket, on a cloth or other surface that does not dissipate, it will lead to a high temperature.
In fact, the best advice is to look for a cool place, such as a piece of furniture, the floor or a surface that does not transmit too much heat.
The best advice is to find a place where it is usually cool, near the fan or the air conditioning itself, if you have one nearby.
In short, excessive use of apps causes the device to overload and ultimately be in operation longer than normal.
Check these background apps. We usually have too many open, which ultimately affects the phone.
To close background apps, do the following on Android:
In fact, the best remedy if it has heated up is to turn off the cell phone, which will prevent the phone from overheating excessively and will prevent it from having major problems.
Overheating of the components will damage the cell phone, if you turn it off for a period of 20-25 minutes, the temperature will drop significantly.
Sometimes the terminal also needs to be restarted so that open processes move to the background and close immediately.