First of all, a delicious zucchini with carrots is a very light meal. In other words, knowing how to make a delicious zucchini with carrots in the AirFryer is mouth-watering.
Still, because it's an easy zucchini and carrot recipe, it's been a huge hit on Twitter and Tik Tok.
However, this quick zucchini recipe in the AirFryer is ready in approximately 12 minutes and serves 4 people.
First, in a large container add zucchini together with carrots and season with olive oil.
Shortly after, add the rosemary along with the pepper and mix well until the ingredients are incorporated.
Then, season with the amount of salt needed to fry to your taste and mix all the ingredients.
Now, transfer to the Airfryer basket and let it cook for about 11 minutes at a medium temperature of 180 to 200 degrees.
Then, halfway through, stir the zucchini and carrot a little and if necessary you can leave it for a few more minutes.
Finally, transfer to a pretty container of your choice and serve your zucchini with carrots that was made in the Air Fryer.
First of all, your guests were left open-mouthed tasting a delicious, easy and practical recipe.
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