At first, a pasta with onion sauce It may be something unusual or even strange for those who don't know the recipe.
However, it is easy to say that this dish will certainly surprise you with how tasty and easy to make it is.
Every time you make pasta again after learning this recipe, you will definitely remember this dish.
With that in mind, today we prepared the recipe with the ingredients listed below for this delicious pasta with onion sauce.
Initially, with a knife, you must cut the onion into four pieces in the shape of a half moon.
Now, in a large pan or skillet, place the chopped onion and the butter in the quantity described above.
In this sense, you can already season the initial ingredients with salt, pepper and fresh thyme, to add flavor.
So, you should let the onion cook inside the pan over low heat for approximately 4 minutes.
Then, remove the lid from the pan, then increase the heat to medium, you will notice that the onion will start to brown.
Then add the white wine over the onion and let it reduce, evaporating all the alcohol until it forms a syrup.
Next, add the already cooked pasta and water, let it cook for approximately 6 minutes after boiling, then cover.
In this sense, wait another 8 minutes, then add the grated cheese over the pasta.
Finally, you can turn off the heat and serve this delicious pasta while it's still hot, with a touch of black pepper on top and a drizzle of olive oil.