Firstly, the creamy Neapolitan coffee is different. In other words, knowing how to make a practical and easy recipe for creamy Neapolitan coffee will set you apart anywhere.
Furthermore, this recipe is ready in a maximum of 20 minutes and can yield up to 20 generous portions.
So, you will be able to share this practical and easy recipe for creamy Neapolitan coffee with your friends or family.
Now, you will be able to do just like thousands of digital influencers who have used exactly this recipe to grow their social networks.
Now, take a medium-sized container and place all the ingredients, except the baking soda.
Then, mix well until it becomes solid and if you prefer, you can pass it through a sieve so that it doesn't become caked.
Then, after all the ingredients are mixed, add the baking soda and mix until it is homogeneous.
Then, to prepare the coffee, add one part of this mixture to a container of your choice and two parts of boiling water to create foam.
Afterwards, store the mixture in tightly closed jars so you can use it at other times if you wish.
In addition, it will last for 3 months, but check the expiration dates of the ingredients on the packaging.
Furthermore, you can take advantage of this moment to take that wonderful selfie and post it on your social networks and tag us on Facebook or Instagram.
Also take the opportunity to leave your comment below telling us what you think of this practical and easy recipe for creamy Neapolitan coffee.
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