First of all, a nice shrimp stroganoff is perfect. In other words, knowing how to make an easy and cheap shrimp stroganoff recipe is ideal for you.
Furthermore, it is a recipe that can yield up to 5 generous dishes and is ready in less than 35 minutes.
Furthermore, using the same recipe that several global artists have used to become popular on their social networks.
First of all, clean the shrimp well by removing the shell using plenty of water and lemon.
Then take a medium saucepan, add the butter and sauté the onion until golden brown.
Then, add the desired amount of salt and pepper and stir well until the ingredients are incorporated.
Then, heat the measure of brandy until it catches fire over the shrimps, thus flambéing them.
Now, add the ketchup, mustard and mushrooms and let it boil for an average of 5 to 7 minutes.
Likewise, when serving, add the cream, stirring so that all the ingredients are incorporated and give it a light and warm consistency.
Finally, it's time to call your friends and family and take that selfie to post on your social networks.
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